Appointment Guidelines to Protect our Patients During COVID-19
Smile Dental Clinics is open as of May 1st. Our hours of operation have not changed,
so we continue to see patients from 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday through Friday. We
have reduced patient flow in order to abide by social distancing guidelines and
walk-ins are not available at this time so please give us a call at (623) 257-7475 to find
an available appointment time.
The health and safety of our staff and patients is our priority. Below are the additional
protocols we have implemented at our office. We are continuing to follow along with
the recommendations of the CDC and ADA.
- Every staff member is wearing PPE at all times. All patients are asked to wear
a mask or face covering when entering the office. - All patients are to call from the parking lot to check-in, then wait in their car until
called in for their appointment. Patients will not be allowed to wait in the waiting
room. All non-patients should wait in the car during the appointment. - Our teammates are pre-screening all patients for a second time once they
arrive. This gives us the opportunity to learn more about the patient’s current
health condition. - All patients are to practice social distancing and stay 6ft part. Only one person
is allowed in the bathroom at a time. - All patients are required to wash their hands for 20 seconds before being seen.
Handwashing is one of the best ways to protect yourself from getting sick. - Our teammates are disinfecting all frequently touched surfaces in the office,
including but not limited to, door handles, chairs, pens, credit card machines,
appliances, etc. We are following the practices recommended by the CDC,
ADA, and OSHA.
Help Us Keep Max Capacity at Hospitals and Urgent Cares
We’re working hard and serving our community by being open for all treatment.
Staying open helps us alleviate the influx of any dental emergencies at hospitals to
help preserve max capacity for COVID-19 and other emergencies.
- Every 14 seconds someone visits a hospital emergency room for dental
conditions in the US - Dental disorders rank in top 3 avoidable emergency visits
- A dental emergency is the #2 reason 20-39-year-old adults go to emergency
rooms - Most ERs are not equipped to provide definitive dental care
- It is estimated that up to 1.65 million dental ER visits can be diverted to out of
hospital settings annually