Link Between Your Oral Health and Overall Health
You might be surprised to learn that the state of your oral health plays a pretty important role in your overall health. Your oral health can give clues or warning signs that there are other concerns that need to be monitored throughout the body. This is one of the reasons that dentists are so passionate about routine oral care. During hygiene examinations, our team looks for indications of oral health issues and can also recognize the warning signs inside your mouth that point to a potential problem with your overall health, meaning that a visit to your primary care physician may be in order.
The Gateway to the Body
The mouth is frequently referred to as the gateway to the body. While it allows healthy foods and drinks to enter your system, it is also easy for bacteria to enter as well. When harmful bacteria remain in the mouth, they can travel easily to your respiratory and digestive tracts. By being mindful of your oral health, cleaning your teeth properly, and visiting our office for routine hygiene examinations, you can help eliminate a lot of harmful bacteria. We recommend visiting our office every six months for a routine hygiene examination, brushing for two minutes twice a day, and flossing daily. It is also important to maintain a healthy diet and avoid overindulging in foods high in sugar.
Medical Conditions That Can Be Linked to Oral Health
Your gum health and the level of tooth decay can be an indicator of conditions such as:
- Cardiovascular disease
- Pneumonia
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Endocarditis
If it has been quite some time since you visited our office for a hygiene examination and cleaning, now is the perfect time to schedule an appointment. Starting the year with a fresh outlook on your oral health decreases your chances of experiencing a dental emergency or other complication. If you are in need of an appointment, our team would love to assist. We look forward to seeing you in our office located in Phoenix, AZ soon!